Technology isn't Always Good

As technology is developing,now almost everybody has a smartphone. Even children, are often seen playing mobile games/computer games/or watching T.V far too much. What I believe is that any child under the age of 16 shouldn't have a personal mobile phone, because it is not at all healthy,leads to danger and can damage the brain. I have noticed that the kids who play far too much computer games, are not ready to play any of the traditional  games like Oonch Neech, Barf Pani, Pakram pakrai, and so forth. They think those games are boring, but the thing is that their mind set has changed according to the amount of mobile/computer games they play. It's just a time waster. If playing these type of games is one of your habits,then it is least likely for you to stop doing it. But if you have not started yet, then please be careful to save yourself from these technology dangers. But if you're already caught in this trap, I'm sorry. There's not much you can do. If you have a strong will power you may succeed  in this. Believe me, I myself was stuck in this trap. But now I have given up this not-so-nice habit. Sometimes in a month is OK,but don't let the sometimes grow. 


  1. According to me, 'Kids should have their personal cell phones but they should know when and how to handle them.'
    And you can give up on those habits of too much games whenever you want, I think.
    Good effort, anyway.

    1. Oh,I don't know.. But I think that Mobiles attract kids a lot. I've experienced it you know..

  2. Replies
    1. Oh Thanks,Abiha! please read more stuff on my blog. Hope you like it!

  3. sure i will read more stuff on your blog
    and zainab please see my blog also it's email address and please say fatima baji also to chaek my blog


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