A selection of quotes.

I once heard the following quote,

"In life, if people like you, then good, if not,
then it's their problem!"
This quote made me feel sort of stunned- it was really such a different point of view! I had never thought like that. Whenever I feel annoyed by anyone I just think of this quote- and start feeling happy again!

When I think of my cousins- who have gone out of city, I think about the quote I once read...
 Don't cry because it's over,
Smile, Because it happened!
-Dr. Seuss
I really like it because it's a different perspective, to look at things- you know, like starting to look at the world with a new pair of glasses...

Here's a quote about friendship that I heard somewhere,

Don't follow me, I may not lead.
Don't lead me, I may not follow.
Walk with me, and be my friend.
 This quote is just awesome! It describes friendship very well. It  also reminds me of one of my friends- Abiha-one of the most understanding people I've met.

This is a quote about relationships.

"Relationships are like birds.
If you hold tightly, they die.
If you hold loosely, they fly.
But if you hold with care, they remain with you forever.

This quote is absolutely true. Relations are exactly like birds, and not everyone knows quite how to handle them and hold them exactly how they need to be held.

I really loved these quotes and I hope you'll enjoy  reading them-and sharing them with others.


  1. I love the selection of quotes you chose, Zainab! I totally agree with them all, especially the comment you made for the one by Dr. Seuss. I've heard that one before too, and I definitely give it a thumbs up! Keep sharing more writings - they're all great!

    1. Thanks!
      Thank you kenza, for always commenting on my blogs. Sorry, as I sometimes forget and don't have the time to commenting on your blogs, though I usually view your posts.

    2. You're absolutely welcome, Zainab! I totally understand! At least you view the posts anyway! :D

  2. I like reading your responses and comments on the quotes. They show how do you connect yourself with the sayings and I liked that.

  3. Zainab, I like your selection because you relate those quotes with different events of your life. I like the quote on relationships, I understand from this quote is; sometimes we don't give space to our dear ones and just want them to be with ourselves only, It's actually holding them tight. Sometimes we don't care about them and treat them rudely, its holding loosely. But if take care of their feelings and their other responsibilities and love them as they are, we maintain a successful relationship with them.


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