English Essay: Should sport stars and entertainers be paid so much?

An argumentative essay. The topic was really interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed myself while writing this. :D

So, here goes!

For each ball a bowler bowls in an international match of cricket, he earns millions. The crowd is completely captivated in watching the game. Each ball holds a glimmer of hope for both sides-one team dreams it will be a stupendous six whilst the opposing team wishes it will be a wicket. Whatever the outcome of each ball might be, the player is paid a huge amount for it. He is paid not only for playing in a match, but also when his team is victorious. Players are also even ‘bought’ for billions to play in national leagues, in even those of other countries.

It is the same with actors and singers who are paid large sums for each simple performance. One might argue that several of them are brilliant performers who deserve to be monetarily rewarded. Their powerful acts enthrall audiences and leave a strong impact on them. Even though all do not perform equally remarkably, all of them have practiced for their acts thousands of times behind the scenes and deserve to be paid for their hard work.

Many of them also donate generous amounts to orphanages and hospitals with their money, to help needy people and sick or poor children. However, it is a question that do these stars do that to help the poor and ailing or their intention is merely to impress people?

However, I disagree with the opinion that entertainers and athletes should be paid huge amounts. They do not really deserve so much. Most are already quite rich and the money they are rewarded for their performances hold very little value for them. The money spent in paying performers could be instead spent on more needy areas-to build hospitals, or other facilities for the public. Financial attention could be given to the public’s needs instead of giving huge sums to performers and players.

International sports and even film-making is no longer a matter of national pride and patriotism. Instead, they have become money making industries-where performers perform merely to earn and to get richer and richer and even richer still.

In my opinion, film and sport stars do not need to be paid so much. They do not need to be paid so much just to perform, nor do they need to be ‘rewarded’ specifically for outstanding performances. For a sportsman by heart or a devoted performer, winning is defined to the thunder of applaud from the awestruck crowd.

I'm stuck at home with jaundice(hepatitis) D:and so I had plenty of time to type this, and I guess I'll be more active here these days. :)


  1. This essay is perfectly written, Zainab! I love how you injected true facts into the text to back up your opinion and presented the reader with both perspectives! It's also a great idea to leave your opinion closer to the end (as you did) as it allows the reader to reflect on both sides and avoid bias. :D The descriptions are beautifully written too! Not to mention, I totally agree with your opinion. Sports matches these days are heavily influenced by money and supporters - sports should really only be played for fun, not gain in financial income! It's also very, very unfair that the working-class works so hard to gain just a small amount each month, where as these world-famous stars don't do a lot and effortlessly gain millions. Such a shame! D:

    Omigosh I'm so sorry that you caught jaundice! ;-; Get well soon! <3

    1. Thanks! Yeah, they say it's better to present both sides of the argument before stating your own opinion, to avoid biases.

      You are totally correct. Sports players have none of the so-called 'sportsmanship' anymore.

      Thanks! I've almost recovered.


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