Book Review: A Day in Your Life

Book: A Day in Your Life 24 hours inside the Human Body
Author: Dr. Hilary Jones
Length: 399 pages
Publisher: CORGI Books
Year of Publication: 2014
ISBN: 10: 0552159514

A Day in Your Life, by Dr. Hilary Jones takes you on a trip inside the bodies of the Enniman family: Adam, his wife Eve, their three children, Ben, Poppy, and Ruby, and their pet dog Rufus.
This book will “tell you about all the utterly incredible things your body does all on its own, without you ever being conscious of it. It will explain why you dream and what exactly is it that wakes you up in the morning and fall asleep at night, it tells you why you yawn or laugh, and how you see, hear, and taste. It describes how your breathing and digestion simply happen without you even having to think about it and how your heart, no bigger than the size of your clenched fist, unfailingly goes on beating billions of times during your lifetime without ever getting tired.” (Excerpt from the book)
A Day in Your Life provides an in-depth view of how the human body works day in day out. From how your eye blinks to how your heart pumps blood, this book gives you a detailed account on how your body functions and reacts to whatever you do.
In my opinion, A Day in Your Life is more informative and far more interesting than a biology lesson and is certainly worth reading for anyone aged above twelve.
Dr. Hilary Jones, the author of this book, is a graduate from the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London. He writes in the magazines ‘Rosemary Conley’ and ‘Sun’s Fabulous’. To read more about him visit


  1. zainab this was a very well written book review!
    now i will be sure to read this book too! :)
    please visit my blog

  2. I like your review and agree with your view that this book is far more interesting than a biology lesson. I have also read this book and found it pretty interesting. This book should be recommended to all Science students in order to clarify their concepts and increase their awareness about their bodies. In fact, anyone who would like to know what happens inside their bodies should have a go at reading this.

    Keep writing and posting Zainab! :)

  3. Beautifully written review, Zainab! I love the insight you've given us into this intriguing book! :D

    It sounds like something I'd enjoy reading! And it also sounds like a book that should be recommended to those taking a biology course! I'd like to know the answer to "why you dream and what exactly is it that wakes you up in the morning and fall asleep at night" especially. xD Which interesting facts did you learn about from reading this book? :D

    1. Thanks Kenza! Actually I didn't have much time to type a longer book review-I had borrowed this book from the library- so I wrote a shorter one.
      I learnt many interesting facts from this book!For example, Did you know that when babies-as old as one month-smile, it is a reflex action and not something they do intentionally? And that as we grow older, our hair gets darker in color?(There were lots more interesting facts, but I can't really remember any. I remember these two because I found them really interesting).

  4. Very well written, looks like the book is a must read specially for science students....

    1. Thanks! Yes, I think all science students will not only benefit from this book, but they will enjoy reading it as well. :)

  5. Enthusiatic,and informative stance in her writing.Pretty impressive.You are becoming a great writer.Thanks for all the blogs


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