an evolution story

When I was three years old, I told people, “When I grow up, I’m gonna be a bear.” At age five, I realised that wasn’t quite possible.

By the time I turned seven, I had decided I wanted to be a scuba diver/ whale trainer when I grew up, influenced by a video of one I had seen at school. I read books on whales, dreamt of dolphins, and could almost see sharks swimming about in the swimming pool. However, at age ten, I became aware of the fact that I wasn’t brave enough to train whales or swim with sharks, and that it was safer to become a writer. I was already capable of writing poems and devouring large numbers of stories; it wouldn’t be too difficult.

At twelve, I felt that my essays didn’t sound nearly as good as my paintings looked, and I was determined I could become an artist when I became an adult. But at thirteen, looking at some of Sadequain’s spectacular murals properly for the first time, I realized my works could never be good enough to be called an artist.

Today, at the age of fourteen, I know I’m capable of writing mediocre stories, making average paintings, of taking pictures that aren’t nearly as picturesque as as I’d like them to be, of making designs which - amaze some as they may - I know could have been much better. However, as I look at all those around me; people struggling to attain higher ranks, better living standards and more recognition in the eyes of society, I know none of this is what matters. When I grow up, I would like to become a person - not necessarily a writer or an artist, or a graphic designer, probably not a whale trainer and definitely not a bear - but a person; a being not governed by animal instincts, but one raised to the qualities that make me human, a person strong enough to stand by what I believe is right, regardless of what people may think or say or do.
That’s all I would like to be when I grow up.


  1. Zainab, your by writing shows that since your childhood you were ambitious as you wanted to be something.
    Yes, this world and our society need better persons more than skilled professionals.
    I'm glad that a very young age you are capable of realizing your goals of life, ma shaa Allah!

  2. May you become a seeker of His pleasure. May you become His beloved.

  3. That's what my eight year old daughter is doing right now:) and May she becomes a seeker of knowledge and one who spreads it on a guided path just like you:)


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