List of Unanswered Questions by me

1.      Can there be any such animal that is considered as extinct but is still alive?
2.     How was yoghurt created for the first time?
3.     Can there be a time when there are no jewels or gold inside the earth-when all of it has been                 discovered?
4.     Why is there no gravity and oxygen in space?
5.     Is zero a negative integer or a positive integer?
6.    Why does time pass by?
7.     Is there no gravity underwater?
8.  Is there a liquid thinner than water?
9.  Can there be life without language?


  1. Here are the answers to some of your questions

    Can there be any such animal that is considered as extinct but is still alive?
    ANS:Coelacanth are an ancient order of fish believed to have gone extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period some 65-plus million years ago. That was until 1938, when one was miraculously discovered off the east coast of South Africa near the mouth of the Chalumna River. Closely related to lungfishes and tetrapods, coelacanths are among the oldest living jawed fishes known to exist. They can live as long as 100 years and swim at depths of 90 to 100 meters.

    Can there be a time when there are no jewels or gold inside the earth-when all of it has been discovered?
    ANS: Yes, becuase jewels and gold are non-renewable.

    Is zero a negative integer or a positive integer?
    ANS: None.Its in the middle of a positive and negetive integer.

    Is there no gravity underwater?
    ANS: There is gravity but the waters pressure is more than gravity.


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