Which is better: Comfort or Excitement?

This was an O Level's topic which I really liked:('Is it better to have comfort or excitement in life? Give reasons and examples to support your views.') Now I don't usually write argumentative essays because they bore me, but this one was exceptional so I decided to do it. XD

I wrote this back in November but I forgot to type it until now. So naturally, I edited it quite a lot. :P
So, here goes:

What a young person wants in life is excitement. An exciting life is fun and interesting. Without some excitement and adventure, life could be really boring.
Imagine a person who lives in a comfortable house and lives a structured life. All the furniture, clothes, footwear, and everything else he possesses are comfortable. He lives in a big clean, house, with security guards outside who keep him feeling safe and protected at all times. He has a big Mercedes to take him wherever he wishes to go.
The big double bed he sleeps on has a mattress of a perfect size and thickness. The pillows are plump and soft. He wears soft and warm clothes in winter and cool clothes in summers. The shoes he wears, though highly expensive, are sturdy in grip and are very soft as not to hurt his feet.  He eats warm, delicious, and nutritious food that is made out of quality ingredients to ensure that he stays well and healthy. His life is exact and full of luxury and comfort.

Now imagine another person. He is not as rich as the other man, and thus has a very different lifestyle. He lives in a rickety old cottage, which has a roof that leaks when it rains. He does not mind that. He finds it rather exciting. And when it stops raining, he can always have a bonfire with his friends to become warm once again. His clothes and shoes are old, and not warm enough to keep him protected from the harsh winter winds. Moreover, he does a job which requires him to do a lot of manual work and physical energy.
Of course, he cannot afford to keep security guards for his safety, or even a dog, for that matter. He relies on god to keep him secure. And he does have many sincere and loyal friends who keep him feeling comfortable and protected.  Whenever this man wants to go anywhere, he takes a bus or walks. And walking can be fun. He enjoys going everywhere on foot, exploring the world all around. This man does not always have enough food to fulfill his stomach. Yet his poverty does not disappoint him or put him down in the least. He is happy and contented with his life.

Which one, of the two people I mentioned above, would be happier? 
The latter, obviously, because his life, though without luxury; is an interesting and exciting one. He is rarely bored or unhappy. He does not demand, or dream of comfort, because he is happy without it. The former person lives a life with all sorts of luxuries and comforts one could dream of, but still, he must feel bored at times, simply because he has no challenges in his life. Comfort is something many people long to have in their lives, but excitement is more interesting an element to have in life.


  1. This is very well written Zainab! I love the way you've related the lifesytles of a person who lives in comfort yet has an absolutely boring life, and a person who lives an exciting life but doesn't have much comforts.
    Your essay is very convincing and shows that comforts are a more of a luxury than a necessity. I totally agree with your opinion. :) Keep writing! :D

  2. Dear Zainab
    I admire your passion and enthusiasm for the art that is writing, but i fear that i must be write the truth and the truth is often bitter. Your writing is childish, the sentence structure poor and the content pitiful. Please understand that my aim is not to discourage but to help. It takes courage and a fire to do what you have done especially at such a young age and that is commendable..But at the end the fact remains that your writing frankly.......sucks. hope you take this as a challenge for i really am trying to help and strive for improvement. Please do not get discouraged

    1. Yes, you are right in saying that my writing style is childish, provided that I am a child.
      I also want to make it clear that I write solely for myself, and not to be appreciated by other people. As Cyril Conolly beautifully put it, "Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self."

  3. This article is awesome.Made my concept clear,and also everybody should "write for themselves":)

  4. Purly agreed upon your statements zinab! :)

  5. Although it's not that much mature idea but anyways it's up to the mark according to your age :)

    1. Thank you! I myself don't like this essay much. Maybe you could try reading other essays in the 'Essays' label. They're much better than this one.

  6. How are you in O levels when you're 13? i mean you said you don't write these essays cuz they bore you which probably means you're done with O levels?

    1. I know people usually do their O levels when their 14-17 years old, but there's actually no age restriction. And I'm not done with my O levels yet, I've just cleared off two of my subjects among eight. :)

    2. ohh! yesh I know there is no age restriction in O levels, I find it great that you gave 2 subjects papers even! I myself just gave 3 papers, and my result is due tomorrow... Man am I nervous!

    3. Oh. Best of luck for your results, then! :)

  7. This was good.
    Shows your hardwork
    Keep it up.

  8. It is really amazing good to see that you have tried 😊


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