How I became a writer

I do not know what really triggered it, but I think it was the world of books which inspired me to write. I had always been an avid reader since the age of three, and at six I read-an abridged version of-The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, at seven I read Jane Eyre, and began reading Harry Potter. Of course, I understood only a fraction of the words used in them, but that did not prevent me from reading them. I marvelled at the rich vocabulary, and the unique way the authors used to express their feelings and describe a scene. Thus, inspired from books, I began to write as well.

At first I wrote only stories, but the list grew rapidly. I was soon writing poetry, which began from simple, childish poems such as ‘I have a cat, It sits on a mat’, but grew to more thoughtful works of poetry. As I started school late-at the age of five- I had a lot of opportunity to write before that, and it was unrestricted, free writing. I had the freedom to let my ideas flow free, and nobody pointed out spelling errors and incorrect pronunciation. And I did not have to do silly picture compositions, instead, I wrote real stories, which schools did not even let children write before grade three. Gladly though, I attended school for only a brief period of time, and so my writing was not influenced much by school. To this day, my writing style remains simple, unstructured, and casual.

Although I had no real interest in writing non-fiction, I had a keen interest in animals, and I liked to write about them. At the age of nine, I wrote a booklet titled ‘Endangered and Extinct Animals’ to create awareness about animals in danger of extinction and how to save them. For this booklet I did a lot of research from books and the internet.

About a year later, when I was ten, I entered the world of blogging by creating my first blog, Zainab’s Writings. Since then I have been a passionate blogger; posting regularly and receiving feedback and constructive criticism from fellow bloggers which helped me improve greatly. However, my greatest goal as a blogger has always been to write solely for myself and not for comments and appreciation.
My journey to becoming a writer doesn’t end here. It goes on and on and on, for as I grow older, I improve day by day, and I hope to become a better writer-and a better person-someday.


  1. This is a really thoughtful and intriguing insight into your writing history Zainab! It's interesting to see the differences between different people: what inspired them to become a writer! You're SO right about schools! I had to be stuck in school for the whole of primary until I was finally homeschooled at the beginning of secondary school and the writing system varies greatly! They made us write such boring things in the school curriculum, it was great to be free of that (which I'm sure is the way you feel too)! xD Actually blogging and sharing my writings online has also helped me so much as it has done for you too! But like you said, it's VERY important to remember that you produce your work solely for yourself and not just to please others - you might end up creating work that's completely new to your readers and makes them realise that there are so many other things they could see! :) It's been wonderful watching you progress through your writing and your improvement has really shines through since becoming a blogger - keep writing Zainab, you're so talented!! :D

    I remember first reading Harry Potter when I was seven I think? It's so common for people here to read it at that age since J.K. Rowling is from the UK but I feel like I should re-read it since it's been such a long time (my friends are still fans of it too). xD And speaking of which, have you heard of Fantastic Beasts?

    1. Thank you!
      You are right, its great to be free to write whatever we want, whenever we want to! :D Schools really limit creativity! Like in the O level's English Language paper, there is a Creative Writing task, in which candidates are given five topics to choose from. However, in schools, students are not even given this choice-how unfair! ):

      Yeah, I've heard of Fantastic Beasts. I haven't read it, though. Have you?

  2. guys plz do look for my blog follow me and tell me whether i should continue or blog is


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