Limerick: School

A limerick is a five-lined-poem. They are very simple and easy to write, the only rules are: the first, second and fifth line, and the third and fourth line should rhyme and have  an equal number of syllables. Also, a limerick is supposed to be funny.
Here is my third limerick, (my first and second are also shared on this blog, but they aren't much good.)about school and schooling.

Place of education: They call it a School,
A place where you're supposed to act like a fool,
It's purely stupidity, oh yes, that's true,
Where they are heading for; I don't have a clue,
And they have great ideas, if you break a rule.

Note: Remember, limerick's are supposed to be funny. Please suggest ways I could improve mine in the comments because I think advice is really important, especially when you need to get better at something.
Oh, and I think it doesn't rhyme on the tone of limericks. I can't understand why....


  1. Awesome limerick! They're hard to write. I knew they had to be funny (the ones on my blog aren't!) but I didn't actually know the syllables had to be the same! Anyway, I totally agree with what you've written about schools - especially the bit about rules! XD
    I just wanted to point something out - since you've requested for advice - the fourth line is one syllable longer than the rest. Maybe you could take out "though" at the beginning, or make "they are" into "they're"? Just a suggestion!
    Write on!

    1. Hi!
      Thanks for your advice! I've edited it-it bought my poem in shape!
      Thanks for commenting!

    2. You're absolutely welcome! I'm glad it did! :)


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