The Neem Tree outside my house

A  great blessing I have is the big Neem tree outside the house. The tree is huge. Nobody really knows how old it is, but my eldest uncle, wh has been living in this house since he was a baby, told me that it was pretty much the same size as now when he was about my age. It is estimated that the tree is about a hundred years old.

The tree, probably because of it's enormous size, is a home to lots of birds. It has around 4 eagle's nests on it(which are really huge) loads of crows live on it and uncountable sparrows are home on the tree. Apart from all these, lots of unusual and unknown birds often pay a visit. I remember seeing a shiny blue bird and a red and fawn coloured bird on the tree.

The leaves of the tree have been used for medicinal purposes to heal and soothe illnesses and sometimes to cool the body-temperature in summers herbaly.

Often, I watch the tree, and the different kind of birds that are chirping away pleasantly on a branch.
I am thankful for this tree because trees are important in lots of ways and not everybody has the pleasure of having a huge tree just beside their house.


  1. Wow! You're lucky to have such a tree! :D I love your explanations of it. And I do agree with you - we need to be thankful for the trees we have and not take them for granted. Maybe you could write a poem about it! :)

    1. Btw, I love the new format of your blog! It looks fantastic! :D

    2. Thanks!!
      I added different font types,too,but they couldn't be applied-I guess there was some error.

    3. You're welcome!
      Oh, right... I see... did you try clicking the "apply to blog button" after applying them again?

  2. i wish we had more neem tress in our city and countries. we should plant more trees.
    you are lucky to have such a blessing outside your house. :)


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