The Pleasures and Disappointments of Shopping

In an Asian society, where women stay at home and have the domestic responsibilities in their family, ‘going shopping’ is something they really look forward to. Whether that means spending long hours in malls or going to a nearby local store to buy groceries, shopping is something that really excites and fascinates people, especially women and young girls.
People take shopping as an interesting pastime, and they only see its pleasures. The fervor and excitement of going shopping, the glitz and glamour of malls and flashy advertisements attract people a lot. But the main reason for why shopping fascinates people so much is the products. Everyone enjoys admiring jewelry and accessories, and trying on stylish sandals. It is the items they see in stores and shops which attract people so much.
 But shopping has many disappointments, let alone the dreadful pain in the foot you get from walking for long hours in the market. One of these are the high and unaffordable prices. It is very disappointing to choose something you would like to buy and discover that it is too expensive or that you do not have enough cash on you.
Another very disappointing situation is to find a pretty dress or a pair of shoes you really like but when you ask for your size you find that it’s not there or is sold out. Teenagers and young people often have to face this problem as they do not find their size in the kids’ section, nor in the adults’ section. This can be a big blow for the customer.
Another disappointment people often face is when they buy a gift for somebody and when they give it to them they discover that it is the wrong size of apparel or footwear, or the wrong color or type they wanted. This can make the one who gave the gift annoyed and disappoints the one who received it.
One other disappointing aspect of shopping is the rush in malls. The congested shopping centers, smelling of sweat and socks are enough to put one’s spirits down.  These rushes cause multiple problems, and often people have a hard time finding space in the car park or the stocks at sales are sold out.

It is true that shopping is a fun experience for some but there are many put-downs to watch out for! 


  1. This is a really interesting analysis! I love how you'very balanced out each fact with different views! Another issue with shopping these days is that people have SO much choice these days from things to choose from and this leads to them wasting a lot of time. :/ Shopping is a nice thing to do, but you'really right, it's best done in moderation! :)

    1. You're right. Often people get double minded and have difficulty with deciding what to buy and what NOT to buy!
      Thanks, btw!

  2. Perfectly presented Zainab! I love your writing style and your vocabulary. Just take care of one thing though make argumentative essays a little more intense and don't end them so abruptly. If you thing there are more pleasures in shopping add some serious ones and if you think shopping is more disappointing then give some serious reasoning. Otherwise your essay is just perfect! In fact I envy your writing style! :D

  3. Thank you Zainab. Very good vocabulary used and stunning analysis.👍

  4. that was really helpful thankyou Zainab!

  5. It is very helpful thnk u very much😌

  6. It is a really good piece of writing


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