A Game worth playing: Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt is a game which involves some thinking as well as physical activity. Although it is not so popular, but it is loved by most kids. Try it out with Younger siblings or cousins.
Initially, I knew how to play Treasure Hunt but we rarely played it. I tried it with my younger cousin and brother once, and they really enjoyed it(probably because the treasure was sweets!)
I discovered two ways of playing this game-with a map and with clues.

Here's how you can play Treasure Hunt;

What You Need:

-A pen
-Treasure(could be anything, like sweets or balloons or stickers. Even a glass of juice would do.)
-Kids(preferably 1-4)

How to prepare the game:

-Choose how you want to play it-map or clues?

-For a map, take a paper and draw on it the map of your house or park, wherever you're playing. Make a 'Key' for what represents what. Add the treasure in the key. Draw the treasure in the map in lots of places.

-For clues, take small rectangular chits of paper and write on clues. 
Here's an example:

Oh hello there, I am clue one!
Lets play Treasure Hunt and have some fun!
For your next clue, go and look:
Somewhere where there are lots of books.

Clues don't have to rhyme, but rhyming ones are more interesting. Make 5-8 clues for one game.

-Whatever way you're playing, you'll have to hide the treasure and/or the clues. First, make sure the players aren't looking. You may need to pile them in a room and close the door!

-For clues, don't hide clue 1. Hide clue 2 (clue 1 will say where clue 2 is) Before hiding it , though, read clue 2 for where to hide clue 3. Got it? Hide all the clues the same way.In the end, hide the treasure(put it in a bag or pouch first).

-For the map, hide the treasure in only one of the places where you drew it in the map. 
That's all. Now for the game.

How to Play:

-For clues, hand your players the first clue and explain how to play. Once they read clue one, they'll find more clues. Accompany them and congragulate the person who finds the clue.

-For the map, hand the map to your players and tell them how to play. Let them look for the treasure while studying the map. Accompany them and guide them whenever needed.

-Once they find the treasure, let them divide it among themselves. 

                                                                   Enjoy Playing!


  1. Wow! This is nice! I think I'll play this with my smaller sister!

  2. This is a brilliant game. Kids aged 5 till 10 enjoy it a lot, I've noticed.

  3. Dear Zainab, please spare some time to edit my book GAMES TO PLAY WITH CHILDREN.

    1. OK. If you have an online file of it, please send it to me some time.

  4. I play treasure hunt in a diffrent way. I make lots of white paper chits and toss them around, hiding them EVERYwhere. I then wait until the players are done finding, and then I see who got the most paper chits.


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