How books can affect your personality

Books affect your personality, very, very, much. How? Read on!
How books can affect your writing
When I was 7 years old, and in Grade 2, I loved to read stories by Enid Blyton.  I'd borrow them from the school library, or read the ones we'd had at home. I faintly remember reading the books, and trying to write exactly like her. It was sort of like an inspiration-  wanting to do something like somebody.
 I believe, what you read will affect your style of writing; you'll sound like a mixture of authors you've read, and somehow, you've developed your own style. Not only will it affect the style, but it will affect the content- it'll affect WHAT you write. So read the books by the authors you want to sound like.

How books can affect your perspective and thinking
Each book has a perspective: of how you view the world around you. (The perspective of a book is actually the Writer's perspective.) Tragic books with sad endings make you feel that nothing's good, and life is very sad. So, if you keep on reading those type of books, they'll change your perspective. You will never be able to see the positive and 'happy' side of anything. That's right, books are wonderful things, but as the saying goes, "Too much of a good thing isn't always a good thing".The same way, books will affect your thinking and perspective. So watch out, books are powerful things!

How books can affect what you want to be
About an year ago, when I used to read girlish books, I remember me and my sister debating about who looks much nicer. I realized in time, that fighting over which character of a book is much prettier was pointless. Eventually, I stopped reading those books. I didn't seem to love them anymore, even if they were interesting.
Anyways, what I'm saying is that books can affect what you want to be like, and what you think is more important.
So, Remember, books are powerful things, and they can affect you in lots of ways. Think and choose carefully what you want to read, because you are responsible for the books you read and how they affect your personality.


  1. I totally agree with you! Reading definitely affects what you write, who you are, what you think, and who you want to be. You can also easily get drawn into a book/series, just because of the powerful language. And you might start imitating the characters too, just like after watching a movie. Even when I don't like a book so much that I'm reading, sometimes I just want to finish it. I've only ever put down around 3 or 4 books down in my lifetime. XD Books definitely affect your opinions. At the time when slavery was around (in the more recent years), there were some authors who wrote books about slaves, and they really convince you that slavery is a bad thing; some even changed their opinions and strongly supported anti-slavery after reading them! Also I find that when I've finished reading a book, I don't find it easy to read another book with a completely different subject the same day, because I can't take it all in, as they're both different. (Hope this comment isn't TOO long! XD) Anyway, keep posting on your blogs! I really enjoy reading your posts. :)

    1. I don't support slavery btw. Lol, I didn't show that well. XD

  2. Totally agree with you. Books can really change a person.

    1. Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate comments on my blog


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